BSc in Maritime Transport Technology & 2nd Mate COC

City Unity College, with the support of the Arab-Greek Chamber of Commerce and Development, in collaboration with the Arab Academy of Sciences, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) and the Arab League (Arab League) of the 22 Arab States, established the first private Hellenic Arab Maritime Academy in Greece. The purpose of the Hellenic Arab Maritime Academy is to provide studies of a higher level combining both theoretical and practical training.

As part of the operation of the Hellenic Arab Maritime Academy (HAMA), City Unity College offers the four-year undergraduate program “Bachelor of Science in Maritime Transport Technology & 2nd Mate COC“.

The graduate, as 2nd Mate and having completed 24 months of sea service can attend the program of the 1st upgrade of his competency certificate (theoretical courses and written exams) and obtain the title of Chief Officer, Captain Class B.

Certificate of Competence as Chief Officer / Captain Class B

After another 24 months of sea service, the candidate can attend the program of the 2nd upgrade of his certificate of competence (theoretical courses and written exams) and obtain the title of Master, Captain Class A.

Certificate of Competence as Master / Captain Class A

Duration of studies: 4 years

Duration of studies: English


  • BS 111 – Seamanship Principles
  • BS 131 – Introduction to Navigation
  • BS 141 – Computer I
  • BA 111 N – Physics I
  • BA 121 N – Mathematics I
  • BS 121 – Ship Construction & Marine Engineering
  • BS 070 – General English (0)
  • BS 171 – Maritime English I
  • P 101 – Physical Education I
  • L 101 – Leadership I
  • BS 112 – Marine Safety (P. Req.: BS 111)
  • BS 132 – Terrestrial Navigation Part I (P. Req.: BS 131)
  • BS 142 – Computer II (P. Req.: BS 141)
  • BA 112 N – Physics II (P. Req.: BA 111 N)
  • BA 122 N – Mathematics II (P. Req.: BA 121 N)
  • BS 133 – Celestial Navigation Part I (P. Req.: BA 121 N)
  • BS 172 – Maritime English II (P. Req.: BS 171)
  • P 102 – Physical Education II (P. Req.:P 101)
  • L 102 – Leadership II (P. Req.: L 101)
  • BS 213 – Watch Keeping & Marine Communication (P. Req.: BS 112)
  • BS 234 – Terrestrial Navigation Part II (P. Req.: BS 132)
  • BS 222 – Ship Stability (P. Req.: BS 121)
  • BS 261 – Ship Compasses and Auto Pilot (P. Req.: BA 112 N)
  • BS 292 – Maritime Law & Leadership
  • BS 273 – Maritime English III (P. Req.: BS 172)
  • P 203 – Physical Education III (P. Req.: P 102)
  • L 203 – Leadership III (P. Req.:L 102)
  • BS 214 – Ship Handling and Emergency Procedures (P. Req.: BS 213)
  • BS 251 – Cargo Handling (P. Req.: BS 222)
  • BS 235 – Voyage Planning & Weather Routing (P. Req.: BS 234)
  • BS 263 – Radar & ARPA (P. Req.: BS 132 + BA 112 N)
  • BS 262 – Navigational Aids (P. Req.: BA 112 N)
  • BS 281 – Meteorology
  • BS 274 – Technical Report Writing (P. Req.: BS 273)
  • P 204 – Physical Education IV (P. Req.:P 203)
  • L 204 – Leadership IV (P. Req.: L 203)
  • S 305 – Guided Sea Training (P. Req.: BS 235 + BS 214)
  • S 306 – Guided Sea Training (P. Req.: S 305)
  • NS 400 – Research Methodology & Statistics
  • NS 436 – Integrated Navigation System (P. Req.: BS 263 + BS 235 + BS 262 or MT 235 + MT 263)
  • NS 417 – Maritime Safety & Environmental Protection
  • SP 497 – Shipping Management (Elective)*
  • SP 494 – Commercial Maritime Law (Elective)*
  • SP 471 – Maritime Economics (Elective)*
  • SP 473 – Port Management & Operations (Elective)*
  • SP 452 – Accounting & Investments (Elective)*
  • SE 495 – Quality Assurance Systems (Elective)*
    *Choose 5 out of 6 elective subjects
  • NS 419 – Seamanship (P. Req.: S 306)
  • NS 423 – Ship Construction & Stability (P. Req.: S 306)
  • NS 438 – Terrestrial Navigation Part III (P. Req.: S 306)
  • NS 439 – Celestial Navigation Part II (P. Req.: S 306)
  • NS 456 – Cargo Handling & Stowage (P. Req.: S 306)
  • NS 401 – Project (P. Req.: NS 400)
  • SP 402 – Human Resource Management (Elective)*
  • SP 472 – Maritime Port Economics (Elective)*
  • SP 493 – Maritime Logistics & Marketing (Elective)*
  • SP 496 – Maritime Environmental Management (Elective)*
    *Choose 3 out of 4 elective subjects


Graduates, having obtained degrees equivalent to world-renowned Academies in accordance with international standards for the practice of the maritime profession, as defined by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), will have the opportunity to work as executives in the shipping industry, on ships (on board) or on land (ashore).

The duration of studies is set at 4 years and the education is theoretical and practical. The practical training takes place in modern Simulators (Desktop Bridge Simulator), but also during the compulsory cadetship year in the 5th and 6th academic semester (compulsory 12-months sea service). The cadetship year can be fulfilled either on board Merchant Ships, or onboard the training vessel AIDA IV * of AASTMT.

  • The academic year is divided into two academic semesters
  • Classes commence every October
  • There are morning and afternoon classes
  • The program is taught in English language

Candidates should:

  • Hold a high school certificate
  • Hold an English speaking language certificate (Level B2)
  • Successfully completed medical examinations at a specialized diagnostic center in Piraeus to obtain a medical card.

The Hellenic Maritime Career Center (HMCC) of the Hellenic Arabian Maritime Academy (HAMA) aims to provide advisory support to probationers as well as graduates of the Academy, offering them services at all stages of their training and professional development.

Based on our motto Theory-Practice-Theory, we focus on consolidating the professional careers of students and graduates on merchant ships or shipping / shipping companies.

The experienced professional staff helps the students to prepare their CVs and organizes interviews with companies of the Shipping Industry.

The Hellenic Maritime Career Center (HMCC), through partnerships with international shipping companies, aims to ensure that all students and graduates of the Academy will have the opportunity to have a brilliant career in their chosen field.

According to the law 4393/12, university degrees obtained by attending programs at recognized Colleges are eligible for professional equivalence by the Professional Qualifications Recognition Council of the Ministry of Education.

Interest Form

In order to get information about the program, please contact us with Live Chat located at the bottom of the page or Calling us at.: (+30) 210 3243222 or Submitting the form below



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