LLB (Hons) (Bachelor of Law)

City Unity College in cooperation with London Metropolitan University offers an undergraduate program in LLB (Hons) (Bachelor of Law).

Program’s objective
To provide graduate students with the specialized knowledge and experience so that they are well prepared at both professional and research level.

The undergraduate program in LLB (Hons) (Bachelor of Law) has been designed for high school graduates or college graduates of different disciplines that want to enter the legal profession to obtain a license to practice law through ΑΤΕΕΝ.

Duration of studies: 3 years

Language of instruction: Greek


  • Administrative Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Contract I
  • Criminal Law I
  • English Legal System
  • Land Law
  • Law of Tort I
  • Legal Method
  • Contract Law II
  • Criminal Law II
  • Law of Equity and Trusts
  • Law of Tort II
  • Land Law II
  • Law of the European Union I
  • Consumer Rights Law
  • Employment Law
  • Law of Advocacy and Mooting
  • Law of Evidence
  • Legal Research Methods
  • Medical Law
  • Civil Law and Practice
  • Criminal Litigation
  • Law of Equity and Trusts II
  • Law of the European Union II
  • Law Dissertation
  • Child Law
  • Civil Liberties and Human Rights
  • Company Law
  • Entertainment Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Family Law
  • International Trade Law
  • Jurisprudence
  • Landlord and Tenant Law
  • Law of Evidence
  • Law of Immigration and Asylum
  • Penal Policy
  • Public International Law


The duration of the program is 3 years (full time) and in the third (3rd) year students write their dissertation. The completion of the programme includes obtaining 360 UK Credits, which consists of core courses, electives and a dissertation. There is a possibility of part-time monitoring lasting six (6) years. During the courses, the necessary supervisory and laboratory material is used, including video projectors and PCs in state-of-the-art and fully equipped laboratories. All students have access to the electronic platform Eclass where the teaching material, grades and announcements for all courses are registered.
  • Lectures: It is the main teaching method to transfer knowledge from teacher to student. They provide the student with an in-depth understanding of a module, and a chance to ask questions and advance his studies. All professors/instructors prepare their lectures in the form of presentations, which are available -from the very next day of the presentation- on the E-learning platform of City Unity College to be downloaded by students. This option should not, by any means, replace active attendance of the courses, because only in the classroom the student has the opportunity of interactive learning.
  • Case studies: It is a successful model, enabling a student to understand and apply theory in practice, to learn from other law professionals’ mistakes, as well to prepare him/her for cases in his/her professional career. For this reason, it is very important for each professor to be a legal professional so that he can prepare the student -even from the first year- for the line of work he has chosen to pursue.
  • Tutorials / Personal sessions: They are used to help the student in academic as well as personal issues that relate to potential student questions and inquiries about his / her course progress and career path. In these sessions he/she is given the opportunity to express possible insecurities and/or any weaknesses in some courses and to seek the appropriate solutions together with his/her personal tutor. Tutorials / Personal sessions are a close, personal monitoring of the student to provide support and security at every step.
  • Laboratories: It is the main teaching method for all courses requiring statistical analysis and statistical programs. These courses are taught at City Unity College’s computer labs, which are equipped with specialized statistical programs used in Law school. Along with theory, the student learns about the use of these programs, which are necessary for research.
  • Group Seminars and Participation in Conferences: It is very important for a Law student to participate in seminars and lectures so he/she can understand the importance of continuous learning and education on the various issues of Legal research. Participation starts from the very first year of studies with active involvement in the planning of seminars and lectures on Law and continues during the next three years of studies by actively participating through the creation of posters or small presentations. These actions provide students with experience and connections in their future workplace, and enrich their CV so that after graduation they have at least two or three participations in their resume.
  • Assessment: The assessment of knowledge gained during the academic semester is done through formal written exams/tests, essays, reports and presentations. Writing essays, reports and presentations will give the opportunity to the student to not only present his / her own ideas and to understand in depth a subject but also will prepare him / her for future presentations and for the thesis, as well for conferences in which he she may participate throughout his / her professional career.
All academic programs take place in our facilities at City Unity College, in the center of Athens, 15 – 17 Thisseos, Syntagma 10562.

Graduates of Bachelor of Law may work in both the private and public sector, in jobs such as:

  • In public or private organizations
  • In enterprises as legal advisers or as business executives
  • Conducting scientific research
  • As notaries after successfully passing the bar exam
  • As scientific experts on law related issues
  • As judges, if they continue their studies at the National School of Judges
  • As freelance professionals providing consulting services.

*Additional admission requirements may be needed according to the existing legislative framework

Under PD 38/2010, Law 3696/2008, Law 4093/2012, European University degrees obtained by attending programs in recognized / accredited Colleges are professionally recognized by the Council for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications (SAEP) of the Ministry of Education.

This course is recognised as a Qualifying Law Degree for progression to the Legal Practice Course (solicitors) or the Bar Professional Training Course (barristers).

To enroll in the program, prospective students must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a High School Diploma >13
  • Have knowledge of English (Level B2)
To enroll in the program students have to submit a file with the following documents:

  • Photocopy of their ID
  • Photocopy of their High school Diploma
  • English language certificate (optional)

The file is evaluated by the Head of the Academic Program and the supporting documents are sent to London Metropolitan University. After the registration is completed, enrolled students shall receive their student card.

Interest Form

In order to get information about the program, please contact us with Live Chat located at the bottom of the page or Calling us at.: (+30) 210 3243222 or Submitting the form below



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