- Have accumulated 12 months of approved seagoing service as OOW on vessels not less than 24mtrs in length or 80GT while holding one of the bellow listed COCs
- TM OOW on Yachts less than 3000GT COC*
- MCA OOW on Yachts less than 3000GT COC*
- A valid STCW OOW COC issued by an accepted Administration**
* In the cases of 1& 2 (holder of TM OOW / MCA OOW less than 3000GT COC) the attendee ought to participate and succeed in Oral Examination
** In the case of 3 (holder STCW OOW COC by an accepted Administration) the attendee ought to participate and succeed in the following classes and examinations
✓ Maritime Law (Malta) – 32 Hours
✓ Oral Preparation – 40 Hours
✓ Written Examination, Maritime Law (Malta)
✓ Oral Examination
- Submit the following Certificates
- COC OOW on Yachts less than 3000GT
- Basic Safety Training
- Advanced Fire Fighting
- Medical First Aid
- Medical Care on Board Ships
- Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats (other than Fast Rescue Boats)
- RADAR / ARPA Management Level (by a TM Accredited Training Center)
- Use of Leadership and Managerial Skills (by a TM Accredited Training Center)
The Graduate Officer will acquire a Transport Malta COC to work as a Master on Yachts less than 500GT – STCW Reg II/2