MSc Digital Marketing Management

City Unity College, in cooperation with Cardiff Metropolitan University, offers an MSc Digital Marketing Management, targeting individuals who wish to acquire specialized knowledge in online marketing, advertising and managing social media.

Students attend five (5) compulsory modules/courses and two (2) elective modules/courses depending on their field of specialization. Upon completion of their courses, students deliver their diploma thesis.

Duration of studies

1 year (Full time) or 2 years (part time)


  • Understanding the Digital Consumer
  • Multi-channel Digital Marketing
  • Modern Marketing Research
  • Strategic Global Marketing in a Digital Context
  • Digital Analytics & Insights – Web, Mobile and Marketing
  • Academic Research for Business
  • Digital Dissertation or Digital Marketing Plan


  • It is a key to success in the highly competitive international labor markets: EU, USA, UAE, etc. Many graduates are already working abroad.
  • There is great demand for specialized business executives/administrators who are graduates of British universities.
  • Excellent employment prospects in dynamically growing sectors (finance, human resources management, marketing, etc.).
  • Combination of theoretical and practical knowledge by leading academics with a long-standing teaching and professional experience.
  • Graduates may register at City Unity Business Club, an organized network that advances their networking into the job market.
  • The presence of students and executives from abroad makes this postgraduate program highly competitive as diverse cultures and various business models constitute an enormous human capital full of experiences and practices within a globalized economy.
  • Since the MBA is one of the few postgraduate programs that do not require a specific academic and professional background, it makes it even more competitive, as diverse experiences offer a more dynamic teaching style.
  • MBA is the ideal tool for someone to start his/her own business having a better overview on how to hedge business risks.

The minimum requirements for enrollment in the Master’s degree program are:

  1. a Bachelor degree awarded by another approved degree awarding body (2:2 or higher),


  1. a non-graduate qualification which is deemed to be of satisfactory standard for admission into the postgraduate program

Students who do not hold such qualifications will be assessed for their suitability through an interview and, where necessary, through references.

Non-graduates who lack formal qualifications (ie: formal qualifications which marginally fall short of the normal minimum entry requirements) will have to compensate for by their relevant professional experience, provided that these candidates have held for a minimum of five (5) years, a key position relevant to the Master’s degree they wish to pursue.

There are quality assurance measures taken at program, school and institutional level to ensure standards are consistently met.

Need Proof of English minimum level B2.

Interest Form

In order to get information about the program, please contact us with Live Chat located at the bottom of the page or Calling us at.: (+30) 210 3243222 or Submitting the form below



    The College is constantly expanding its academic partnerships


    The Academic staff consists of distinguished professors and prominent professionals


    City Unity College students study in a multicultural environment