MSc Psychology with Pathways

City Unity College, in collaboration with London Metropolitan University, offers the MSc in Psychology with pathways programme, which is recognized by the A.T.E.E.N. department of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong learning and Religious Affairs, enabling graduates to work in psychological settings in Greece. The programme offers the opportunity to specialize in one of eight psychology fields (i.e. health, clinical, sport, forensic, educational, occupational, counselling and neuropsychology).

Duration of studies

The duration of the course is 1 (full-time) to 2 years (part-time)

Language of instruction: Greek


  • MP01 – Research Methods in Psychology
  • MP02 – Personality & Individual Differences
  • MP03 – Contemporary Issues in Psychology
  • MP04 – Professional Development
  • MPH01 – Health Behaviour Change Interventions
  • MPH02 – Biopsychosocial Issues in Health
  • MPH03 – Communication in Health Care
  • MPH04 – Dissertation Project in Health Psychology
  • MPF01 – Theories of Criminal Behaviour
  • MPF02 – Assessment and Treatment of Victims and Offenders
  • MPF03 – Forensic Mental Health
  • MPF04 – Dissertation Project in Forensic Psychology
  • MPC01 – Foundations of Clinical Psychology
  • MPC02 – Practical Applications of Clinical Psychology
  • MPC03 – Psychopathology
  • MPC04 – Dissertation Project in Clinical Psychology
  • MPS01 – Theory and Practice of Sport Psychology
  • MPS02 – Developing Athletes Well-Being
  • MPS03 – Counselling Skills for Sport Psychologists
  • MPS04 – Dissertation Project in Sport Psychology
  • MPO01 – Organizational Change & Development
  • MPO02 – Psychological Assessment at Work
  • MPO03 – Consultancy Skills
  • MPO04 – Dissertation Project in Occupational Psychology
  • MPN01 – Current Issues in Neuropsychology
  • MPN02 – Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
  • MPN03 – Functional Neuroanatomy
  • MPN04 – Dissertation Project in Neuropsychology
  • MPE01 – Theories & Mechanisms in Developmental Psychology
  • MPE02 – Social and Emotional Development Across Lifespan
  • MPE03 – Learning Disabilities
  • MPE04 – Dissertation Project in Educational Psychology
  • MPCN01 – Applied Counselling Psychology
  • MPCN02 – Counselling Skills
  • MPCN03 – Counselling & Psychopathology
  • MPCN04 – Dissertation Project in Counselling Psychology


Under Law 4093/12, European University degrees obtained by attending programmes in recognized / accredited Colleges are professionally recognized by the A.T.E.E.N. Department of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs in Greece.

The programme’s modules are designed to provide a holistic and academic basis for the students’ learning experience and enable them to successfully apply their knowledge and skills to psychological practice.

The programme has 180 Credits in total; 90 credits per semester. More specifically, the modules are:

MP01 Research Methods in Psychology aims to introduce students to methods of psychological investigation and to develop their ability to design such investigations, to understand the ethical implications of the methods used, and to assess the quantitative and qualitative data collected.

MP02 Personality & Individual Differences introduces students to classic and contemporary theories and research in topics related to personality, intelligence, motivation and provides an introduction to psychometrics

MP03 Contemporary Issues in Psychology aims to examine social norms, perception and behaviour in terms of how individuals think about and seek to understand their social world through their interactions with others on group and societal levels.

MP04 Professional Development focuses on developing professional skills for psychologists and emphasizes on their continuing professional development through a wide range of work-based training. Students will also develop important interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.

Health Pathway

MPH01 Health Behaviour Change Interventions focuses on models and approaches to behaviour change, as a means to promote psychophysical health (e.g. through smoking cessation). Students will learn how to develop individual, community and public health interventions, applying their skills to practice.

MPH02 Biopsychosocial Issues in Health focuses on how biological (e.g. genetics, age), psychological (e.g. personality, mental health) and social (e.g. social support, socioeconomic background) factors interact and affect our health and well-being.

MPH04 Communication in Health Care emphasizes in communication theories and how these are applied to health care. It also focuses on the health professional-patient communication and students will learn how to promote a health message effectively.

MPH04 Dissertation Project in Health Psychology where students need to undertake an independent piece of research on a topic of their choosing in health psychology, under appropriate supervision.

Forensic Pathway

MPF01 Theories of Criminal Behaviour explores key theories of crime, emphasizing on psychological, sociological and biological explanations of criminal behaviour.

MPF02 Assessment and Treatment of Victims and Offenders focuses on the experience and treatment of victims and offenders. It also examines the factors related to different patterns of offending behaviour and victimisation. The treatment of offenders within the criminal justice system is also examined.

MPF03 Forensic Mental Health focuses on the applications of psychology to the understanding of mental health disorders in forensic client groups. It also examines the impact of the work of forensic psychologists with individuals with mental health issues.

MFP04 Dissertation Project in Forensic Psychology where students need to undertake an independent piece of research on a topic of their choosing in forensic psychology, under appropriate supervision.

Clinical Pathway

MPC01 Foundations of Clinical Psychology focuses on introducing students to clinical psychology and discussing a historical overview and approaches used in clinical psychology.

MPC02 Practical Applications of Clinical Psychology focuses on the aetiology, assessment and treatment in clinical psychology. Students will learn how to apply knowledge to practice in clinical settings.

MPC03 Psychopathology focuses on examining issues related to mental health and psychopathology. Students will learn about abnormal behaviour and a range of methods of diagnosis will be discussed.

MPC04 Dissertation Project in Clinical Psychology where students need to undertake an independent piece of research on a topic of their choosing in clinical psychology, under appropriate supervision.

Sport Pathway

MPS01 Theory and Practice of Sport Psychology focuses on theory, practices and research in sport psychology and exercise. Main theories in sport psychology will be discussed and evaluated.

MPS02 Developing Athletes Well-Being provides students with skills of coaching and they will learn how to promote development in athletes, promote motivation, enhance well-being, be aware of ethics etc.

MPS03 Counselling Skills for Sport Psychologists focuses on counselling and communication skills in sport psychology. Students will learn how to apply these skills in practice.

MPS04 Dissertation Project in Sport Psychology where students need to undertake an independent piece of research on a topic of their choosing in sport psychology, under appropriate supervision.

Occupational Pathway

MPO01 Organizational Change & Development which focuses on the applications of psychology to the development and enhancement of organizational strategies. It also addresses issues such as organizational change and its impact on the employees.

MPO02 Psychological Assessment at Work focuses on foundations of psychological assessment within the workplace. Individual differences and theories of personality will also be discussed and students will learn how to use and evaluate a number of assessment tools in occupational psychology.

MPO03 Consultancy Skills focuses in consultancy within organizations. It aims to equip students with practical skills with regard to assessing needs, developing consultancies, evaluating outcomes etc within organizations.

MPO04 Dissertation Project in Occupational Psychology where students need to undertake an independent piece of research on a topic of their choosing in occupational psychology, under appropriate supervision.

Neuropsychology Pathway

MPN01 Current Issues in Neuropsychology aims at introducing students to issues relevant to how the brain, through structure and neural networks, affects behavior and mental processes, including emotions, personality, thinking and learning.

MPN02 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation focuses on the neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory and executive deficits following frontal lobe lesions or other trauma.

MPN03 Functional Neuroanatomy introduces students to the anatomy and development of the nervous system, through a wide range of learning strategies to promote understanding.

MPN04 Dissertation Project in Neuropsychology where students need to undertake an independent piece of research on a topic of their choosing in neuropsychology, under appropriate supervision.

Educational Psychology Pathway

MPE01 Theories and Mechanisms in Developmental Psychology introduces students to key concepts and theories in the field of developmental psychology, as well as contemporary applications of these theories to practice.

MPE02 Social and Emotional Development Across Lifespan focuses on lifespan approaches and examines physical, emotional, social and cognitive development across the lifespan.

MPE03 Learning Disabilities provides an introduction to important issues in learning disabilities. Students will also explore factors that affect the learning and well-being of people with learning disabilities.

MPE04 Dissertation Project in Educational Psychology where students need to undertake an independent piece of research on a topic of their choosing in educational psychology, under appropriate supervision.

Counselling Psychology Pathway

MPCN01 Applied Counselling Psychology aims at introducing students to theories and practices in counselling psychology. The module focuses on a range of approaches in counselling psychology promoting students professional development.

MPCN02 Counselling Skills focuses on teaching students a range of counselling skills, with an emphasis on person-centred counselling approach. Students will also learn how to create rapport with a service user and tailor counselling to the client’s needs.

MPCN03 Counselling & Psychopathology examines the applications of counselling psychology to the assessment and treatment of individuals who display abnormal behaviour. Psychiatric disorders are also discussed and evaluated.

MPCN04 Dissertation Project in Counselling Psychology where students need to undertake an independent piece of research on a topic of their choosing in counselling psychology, under appropriate supervision.

The programme is completed within 1 (full time) or 2 years (part time) academic years; each year consists of two semesters. The programme consists of modules with 10, 20 or 40 credits each and there is a Dissertation project in the second semester, which corresponds to 40 credits.

To conduct the lectures, appropriate equipment is in place consisting of video projectors and computers equipped with appropriate software. The research and statistics modules take place in appropriately equipped labs, within the campus. All students have access to the college library, the CityU E-Learning platform (where all teaching materials are stored) and London Met’s Moodle platform, which gives access to a wide range of programmes to download as well as access to an electronic library consisting of thousands of books and scientific journals. Students can also access their feedback and grades through London Met’s Moodle platform.

After successful completion of the programme, graduates can have their professional rights recognized by the Α.Τ.Ε.Ε.Ν. department of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs and work in a wide range of setting in Greece, in both the public and private sector. More specifically, graduates can work in:

  • Hospitals and private clinics;
  • Counselling centres;
  • Nursing homes;
  • Schools and organizational contexts;
  • Drug treatment centres;
  • Promoting public health and preventing illness;
  • Research centres;
  • Their own office, as self-employed psychologists.

To register to the MSc Psychology with pathways, students need to:

  • Have a BSc/BA in a relevant field
  • Meet the English Language Proficiency Requirements
  • In exceptional cases an interview or challenge courses or entrance exams or accreditation of prior learning will be required in consultation with the programme director and/or head of the department.

If the applicants do not meet the registration requirements regarding English competence, they can attend intensive English courses at City Unity College, adjusted to their level and needs.

Applicants will need to submit their file, consisting of the following documents:

  • A copy of their ID card, A copy of their degree, certificate of English competence certificate & personal statement.

The applicant’s file is evaluated by the programme director and is then forwarded to London Metropolitan University. Once their registration is complete, students will receive their student id card and credentials to access the CityU and London Metropolitan University’s Moodle and e-library platform.

All courses take place in our campus in the centre of Athens, 15-17 Thiseos Str, Syntagma, 10562. We also have a campus in Patras, 5 Maizonos, 26223, Achaia.

The Career Center, which operates at City Unity College with the support of a network of partner companies, aims to connect students to the labor market. The Career Center organizes seminars on effective C.V. writing and how to conduct an interview as well as workshops during which students get in touch with representatives of companies specializing in a wide range of areas.


  • Access to CityU and Londo n Metropolitan University’s e-library;
  • Access to international e-libraries;
  • Access to and use of electronic resources through City Unity College’s e-library.

Academic and technical support

  • Support by a personal tutor for the duration of the studies
  • Opportunities to participate in professional seminars
  • Access to the online learning platform, the E-Learning Platform, of City Unity College
  • Student email account (e-mail @gr)
  • Technical support to students by appropriately qualified staff, through phone or e-mail
  • Opportunity to participate in the CityU Psychology Research Center
  • Opportunity to take part in conferences and publications in international journals.

Social involvement

  • Opportunities to participate in day trips
  • Opportunities to participate in cultural & artistic events
  • Opportunity to participate in social philanthropy events.

Electronic resources

  • Free internet access in our labs
  • Free Wi-Fi access on campus
  • Free access to appropriate software for statistical analyses

Interest Form

In order to get information about the program, please contact us with Live Chat located at the bottom of the page or Calling us at.: (+30) 210 3243222 or Submitting the form below



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