BSc (Hons) Education, Psychology and Special Educational Needs

City Unity College, in collaboration with Cardiff Metropolitan University, offers the BSc (Hons) Education, Psychology and Special Educational Needs programme, which is recognized by the A.T.E.E.N. department of the Greek Ministry of Education, Lifelong learning and Religious Affairs.

The combination of Education (across the life span), Psychology and Special Educational Needs provides a distinctive and attractive degree both for prospective students and employers. It provides an ideal platform to explore in detail educational theory, Special Needs policy and practice, underpinning psychological perspectives in both areas, as well as a focus on relevant psychological and educational theory and research. The programme will enhance the graduate employability prospects of students through its unique psychological perspective on education and special education, thus developing critical, analytic and problem-solving thinking skills valued by employers. Other valuable ‘soft skills’ developed on the course include communication skills, emotional intelligence and empathy, and team-working skills. There will be opportunities on the course for students to evidence the development of these skills by successfully completing additional qualifications, for example in listening skills, coaching and mentoring, and sign language.

It is well-established that employers look positively on graduates with relevant work experience. With this in mind, there is a significant work experience element on the course, so that by completion students will have completed at least 100 hours work placement across all three years. This can act as good preparation for work by encouraging self-reflection of skills and attributes and generally raising awareness of the workplace. Students will have the opportunity to apply and where appropriate challenge what they have learned on the course. Work experience also demonstrates a degree a motivation and determination on the part of the student.

Duration of studies

3 (full time) or 6 years (part time)


  • (EPS4008) – Engaging with Learning and Research 1 (Semester: Fall) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS4016) – The developing Child (Semester: Fall) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS4015) – Additional Learning Needs and Inclusive Practice (Semester:Yearly) (Credits:40)
  • (EPS4011) – The Nature of Education (Semester: Yearly) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS4014) – Empowering and Safeguarding Children and Young People (Semester: Yearly) (Credits:20)
    *Total Required Credits for year 1: 120 credits
  • (EPS5010) – Social Behaviour and Communication (Semester: Fall) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS5014) – Education and Equality (Semester: Fall) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS5012) – Investigating Behaviour (Semester: Fall) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS5009) – Work Placement (Semester: Spring) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS5011) – Thinking and Learning (Semester: Spring) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS5013) – Explaining Diversity in Education (Semester: Spring) (Credits:20)
    *Total Required Credits for year 2: 120 credits
  • (EPS6004) – Future of Education (Semester: Fall) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS6015) – Issues and debates in ALN, Disabilities and Inclusion (Semester: Fall) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS6016) – Understanding Learner Behaviour (Semester: Fall) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS6017) – Emerging Themes in Psychology and Education (Semester: Spring) (Credits:20)
  • (EPS6014) – Independent Research Project (Semester: Spring) (Credits:40)
    *Total Required Credits for year 3: 120 credits
    ** Degree Credits Requirements: 360 credits


Under Law 4093/12, European University degrees obtained by attending programmes in recognized / accredited Colleges are professionally recognized by the A.T.E.E.N. Department of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs in Greece.

The programme is completed within 3 (full time) or 6 years (part time) academic years; each year consists of two semesters. The programme consists of modules with 20 credits each and there is a Dissertation project in the last year of studies, which corresponds to 40 credits.

To conduct the lectures, appropriate equipment is in place consisting of video projectors and computers equipped with appropriate software. The research and statistics modules take place in appropriately equipped labs, within the campus. All students have access to the college library, the CityU E-Learning platform (where all teaching materials are stored) and Cardiff Met’s Moodle platform, which gives access to a wide range of programmes to download as well as access to an electronic library consisting of thousands of books and scientific journals. Students can also access their feedback and grades through Cardiff Met’s Moodle platform.

After successful completion of the programme, graduates can have their professional rights recognized by the Α.Τ.Ε.Ε.Ν. department of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs as special needs teachers, similarly to the Department of Special Education in Volos. More specifically, graduates can work in:

  • Counselling centres;
  • Special Needs Centers
  • Special Needs Schools
  • Research centres;

Graduates can also undertake postgraduate studies in a wide range of psychology and Education field in Greece and internationally.

To register to the BSc (Hons) Education, Psychology and Special Educational Needs students need to:

  • Have a high school diploma (or equivalent)
  • Meet the English Language Proficiency Requirements
  • In exceptional cases an interview or challenge courses or entrance exams or accreditation of prior learning will be required in consultation with the programme director and/or head of the department.

If the applicants do not meet the registration requirements regarding English competence, they can attend intensive English courses at City Unity College, adjusted to their level and needs.

Applicants will need to submit their file, consisting of the following documents:

  • A copy of their ID card, A copy of their high school degree, certificate of English competence certificate & personal statement.

The applicant’s file is evaluated by the programme director and is then forwarded to Cardiff Metropolitan University. Once their registration is complete, students will receive their a. student id card, and b. credentials to access Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Moodle and e-library platform.

All courses take place in our campus in the centre of Athens, 15-17 Thiseos Str, Syntagma, 10562.

Career Center

The Career Center, which operates at City Unity College with the support of a network of partner companies, aims to connect students to the labor market. The Career Center organizes seminars on effective C.V. writing and how to conduct an interview as well as workshops during which students get in touch with representatives of companies specializing in a wide range of areas.


  • Access to Cardiff Metropolitan University’s e-library
  • Access to international e-libraries
  • Access to and use of electronic resources through City Unity College’s e-library

Academic and technical support

  • Support by a personal tutor for the duration of the studies
  • Opportunities to participate in professional seminars
  • Access to the online learning platform, the E-Learning Platform, of City Unity College
  • Student email account (e-mail @gr)
  • Technical support to students by appropriately qualified staff, through phone or e-mail
  • Opportunity to participate in the CityU Psychology Research Center
  • Opportunity to take part in conferences and publications in international journals.

Social involvement

  • Opportunities to participate in day trips
  • Opportunities to participate in cultural & artistic events
  • Opportunity to participate in social philanthropy events

Electronic resources

  • Free access to Microsoft software through the Microsoft Dreams park service (Microsoft Office , Microsoft Windows )
  • Free internet access in our labs
  • Free Wi-Fi access on campus
  • Free access to the SPSS software for statistical analyses.

Interest Form

In order to get information about the program, please contact us with Live Chat located at the bottom of the page or Calling us at.: (+30) 210 3243222 or Submitting the form below



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