MBA (Master in Business Administration) with pathways

The Master in Business Administration, prepare candidates for senior management positions in respective organizational structures and businesses.


The aim of the programs is to train potential executives of relevant sectors, so that they can cope with demanding conditions, as created by today’s dynamically evolving business environment. MBA programs, still in constant demand in the market, aim to offer executives with sufficient knowledge and skills to undertake Business Administration in the modern, globalized and highly competitive economic environment. Obtaining an MBA is the springboard for the advancement of a competent executive to top positions in the hierarchy of an organization, with clearly more developed qualifications, knowledge and skills that help solve problems and hedge the business risk. This is achieved through the holistic approach of the curriculum, since the program is structured and focused on the quality and updating of knowledge and skills. MBA graduates are the future leaders and modern managers who are called upon to make strategic decisions both on a personal and business level.


Duration of studies

1.5 years (Full time) or 2.5 years (part time)

Language of instruction: Greek


  • Human Resource Management (1st Semester)
  • Marketing (1st Semester)
  • Finance and Accounting (1st Semester)
  • Strategy (2nd Semester)
  • Operations Management (2nd Semester)
  • Dissertation (3rd semester)
  • Project Design (1st Semester)
  • Project Management and Organizations (2nd Semester)
  • Risk Management (1st Semester)
  • Investment Banking (2nd Half)
  • Hotel Front Desk Operations (1st Semester)
  • Food and Beverage Management (2nd Semester)
  • Digital Marketing and Social Media Design (1st Semester)
  • Global Strategic Marketing (2nd Semester)
  • Leadership (1st Semester)
  • International Human Resource Management (2nd Semester)
  • Introduction to Fintech (1st Semester)
  • Financial Modelling (2nd Semester)


According to Presidential Decree 38/2010, Law 3696/2008, Law 4093/2012, European university degrees obtained by attending programs in recognized Colleges are professionally recognized by the Independent Department for the Implementation of European Legislation ‘A.T.E.E.N.’ of the Ministry of Education.

Human Resource Management: At the end of the course, students will have:

– understand the basic functions of the human resources department, its strategic role in the organization and development of the organization, as well as its contribution to the creation of a competitive advantage.
– develop the ability to manage the human factor, especially in the context of diversity and inter-departmental groups, through the harmonization of goals, development, learning and reward.
– understand the process and importance of empowerment for employee performance.
– understand the concepts of endogenous and exogenous rewards and how they contribute to staff motivation and thus performance.
– understand the basic mechanisms of personnel evaluation and the importance of feedback as a means of learning and developing people.
– develop the ability to plan plans for growth and change of the organization.
– enhance their knowledge and ability to develop staffing and personnel selection plans and techniques, as well as strategic human resource management plans based on the organization’s strategy.

Marketing: At the end of the course, students will have:

– Understanding of the basic principles of marketing and its management
– Understanding the hyper-competitive environment driven by international players
– Understand customer expectations and needs, within the framework of organizational resources, and capabilities to fulfill them.
– The possibility of assessing the development of sustainable comparative and competitive advantage
– Understanding ethical influences in marketing

Finance and Accounting: Students will be able to:

– They critically assess the content of the financial statements.
– Understand ratios and their use as a tool to assess corporate performance.
– They evaluate the results of the financial instruments used for investment decision-making.
– Familiarize themselves with the use of accounting and financial terms necessary to manage an organization in an effective way.

Strategy: This module explores the principles of strategic and strategic management. It informs about strategy making, implementation and evaluation. With special reference to the modern requirements of organizations, the course broadens the perspective and respects the strategic organizational needs on the one hand, but also the way in which social expectations are strategically met at the same time. Explains strategic management tools and identifies them in a larger circle planning and management. It therefore stresses the need for integration to address complex societal and competitive challenges. The course supports students’ understanding of strategic analysis as an essential part of a manager’s work at a higher level.

Operations Management: Upon completion of the course, students will have:

– Understanding of the basic principles of Management (Business) Operations.
– Understanding of the factors influencing processes on the one hand production and distribution of products and services and on the other hand the supply of raw materials.
– Knowledge of how values are created for the Company’s customers in the form of the products and services offered.
– Knowledge of how to select, define and design new products and services of high quality, according to customer requirements in order to satisfy them.
– Knowledge of methods of creating a competitive advantage for the enterprise and adapting its operations to this purpose.
– Perception of how the supply chain operates both in terms of promoting products and services but also in terms of supplying raw materials for production needs, within the framework of today’s globalized competitive environment.
– Ability to estimate and forecast market demand for products and services produced and supply needs for raw materials for the production mechanism.
– Understanding the decisive role of Technology in Business Operations and the need to make critical decisions in this area.

Dissertation: A master’s thesis is the research work of a student in which he becomes familiar with the methodology of research in the field he has chosen. After the research, the student prepares a master’s thesis in a format containing the following chapters: Abstract, Introduction, Theoretical Part, Methodological Framework for Research, Results and their Interpretation, Conclusion, Bibliography.

Path Modules

Project Management Path:

Project Design: Proper planning and planning are crucial for the successful management of the project. The core of this module is about effective design techniques starting from the macro level of general design, continuing with introduction to the different phases, and then digging deeper into the many underlying details – the micro level – which consists, for example, of work analysis structures. Another element in project management is management changes. Projects change processes, production and functions themselves and affect an organization, its functions and, most importantly, human resources. Therefore, it is important that students understand the extent, impact and psychological issues that project management causes for the internal, but also the external environment of any organization.

Project Management and Organizations: The effective organizational structure of projects is of great importance for successful management. It makes a useful contribution to the intended result. There are several options, all of which have advantages and disadvantages. The section will introduce to these available options and critically contrast them. The next hierarchical level is therefore the functional organization that has an impact on project management not only effectively, but also efficiently. Models for organizing and managing project support to achieve planned milestones and meet schedules and budgets. The synergistic combination of organization and management supports organizational goals as the intended result of a project. Teaching and learning in the module includes how the project manager can organize a project that leads to lean and progressive management during the project. Therefore, the structural design of projects is not an effort and a mistake, but the result of a carefully prepared process. The process needs a realistic and feasible implementation before the start of the actual tasks of the project. This makes it important to deep preparatory planning and is an essential task for the successful implementation of any project.

Finance and Banking Path:

1.Risk Management: This course analyzes the risks that are ubiquitous. Whether it is financial risks, risks associated with macroeconomics and microeconomics, banking and other financial institutions that take on a whole variety of risks, including IT security and data protection, all of these must be meticulously taken care of and protective instruments must be implemented, monitored and evaluated.

2.Investment Banking: Research shows that today’s investment banks are probably among the oldest banks. This has some good reasons, as research also highlights that they are reinventing themselves at a very fast pace. This adaptability has been served very well, as investment banking has changed decisively, especially in the last 50 to 60 years. Investment banking comes with serious risks. High levels of monitoring and evaluation of share, M&A opportunities are needed, such as to support businesses, e.g. mergers and acquisitions and IPOs. Decision-making is based on in-depth information on economic and monetary developments, technological and other developments, economic data on business sectors, national economic cycles and global supply and demand. There is a high level of data that is also supported by sophisticated algorithmic calculations that all contribute to evidence-based decision-making processes.

Hotel Management Path:

1.Front Desk Operations: The reception is the first point of contact of guests upon arrival. Front office managers provide guests with the first physical impression and therefore can significantly affect customer satisfaction and retention. At the same time, the efficiency and efficiency of the front office contribute to the productivity and profitability of any hotel. Whether small or large, Whether a luxury or tourist hotel, the reception fulfills an essential part of the management of hotel operations. Organizing front office operations is essential and uses a variety of personal skills, as well as IT support. Communication is a dominant principle here. The course introduces students to the basics of front office management and how efficiency and efficiency are part of a permanent turnover, but also of improvements. The theory is combined with the orientation of practice by applying knowledge about the ways that help improve the operational performance of a hotel.

2. Food and Beverage Management: Food and beverage management encompasses many perspectives. It’s not just about the guest experience, which differs significantly from the expectation from leisure guests or business guests. It also concerns safety issues, be it food, drink or the place of consumption. It also needs the organization of the provision of services, of the supply chain that eventually results in a Total Quality Management cycle as a part of the hotel’s TQM. However, the profitability aspect can never be neglected. The section covers these basics of providing a core service in hotel management. It introduces an interoperable and interdisciplinary understanding of food and beverage management in hotels. This also means legal compliance with safety standards, opening hours and staff, who are often hired seasonally. Restaurants and bars in hotels are often seen as separate entities or profit centers that they need according to their own business plans, being a further key factor considered in this section.

Marketing Path:

1. Digital Marketing and Social Media Design: The aim of this module is to explore and evaluate a number of current issues that influence digital marketing decisions. These issues vary, but they always reflect the most up-to-date research and trends in digital marketing and the role they play in the modern organization. The module will largely build on the work done on previous digital marketing modules and require students to critically apply academic theory to marketing in the real world. The goal of this module is to measure, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of digital marketing activities. It will also look at web analytics, mobile and social media monitoring. Web analytics looks at the effectiveness of the company’s communications and customer interactions across a range of digital marketing platforms, including websites, social media presences, and mobile marketing. Social media monitoring involves using tools to listen to conversations about a brand on digital platforms and taking appropriate action. The sequel focuses on developing an understanding of KPIs, selecting measurement tools, analyzing reports to improve performance, and creating tests to improve the messages of media owned and purchased.

2. Global Strategic Marketing: This module will allow students to adopt a strategic approach to leveraging global issues in order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. It will provide students with a solid foundation in marketing principles in international markets. The module will examine the basic principles – basic principles of international marketing focusing on the elements of the marketing mix, i.e. international product and branding, international pricing, international promotion and international distribution and logistics channels. The relevant literature will be analyzed and specific examples will be used.

Human Resource Management Path:

1. Leadership: Effective management and leadership is a critical element of organizational success. In this context, the development of management and leadership skills and competences should be an integral part of human resources strategy and practice and a key element of an organisation’s learning and development strategy. This module provides an insight into the nature, scope, rationale, and effectiveness of leadership and management development (LMD) interventions and examines the relationship between developing individual leadership and managerial skills and improving organizational performance. The module examines how development needs are identified and assessed and the process by which leadership development and management activities and policy are implemented, monitored and evaluated.

2. International Human Resource Management: The module begins with the introduction of the cultural framework of HRM in international organizations. The students explore IHL’s approaches to cross-border mergers and acquisitions, international alliances and SMEs. This is followed by reviewing various aspects related to IHRM’s operations, such as the search for human resources for global markets (staffing, recruitment and selection), international performance management and international training, development and international remuneration. The module will conclude by looking at trends and future challenges.

Fintech Path:

1. Introduction to Fintech: The aim of this module is to provide a global overview of the transformation of financial services due to the FinTech Revolution and its impact not only on the Financial Industry but also on everyday life. It will also present the various implications and current developments in FinTech and its impact to different stakeholders (investors, financial services, markets and the global economy). Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to critically analyze and evaluate issues related to FinTech, Blockchain and related concepts with contemporary issues in an economic and political context.

2. Financial Modelling: The course aims to allow students to obtain and analyze real economic data, apply economic models and create the result required for the relevant analysis. The student will learn to use the R programming language, which is suitable for economic modeling. At the same time, he will understand in depth and acquire practical knowledge about the concepts of finance management, such as returns on investments, risks taken, portfolio performance, optimization, etc. The module offers a hands-on experience in the actual processing of financial data with an established and widely used statistical programming language. The module will provide a technical basis and knowledge to combine aspects of financial management with the use of R software.

The duration of the program is 1.5 years (full time), of which two (2) semesters concern teaching courses, while in the third (3) semester students write their dissertation. The completion of the program includes the acquisition of 180 UK Credits (90 ECTS), which consists of 5 core courses, 2 specialization courses and the dissertation. There is a possibility of part-time monitoring lasting 2.5 years. During the courses, the necessary supervisory and laboratory material is used, including video projectors and PCs in state-of-the-art and fully equipped laboratories. All students have access to the electronic platform INTRANET where the teaching material, grades and announcements for all courses are registered.

Graduates of this program can advance to senior and senior positions in the business hierarchy with clearly more developed qualifications, knowledge and skills that help solve problems, hedge the business risk of the modern business and their ability to contribute to its strategic development. Finally, graduates can develop their own business activity (family business, start-ups) by preferring entrepreneurship.

In order to enroll in the program, prospective students must meet the following requirements:

• holders of a university / TEI degree or universities abroad, with a minimum of two (2) years of management experience
• candidates without a degree but with at least five (5) years of experience in a related field are accepted, after an interview with the academic head of the program
• have knowledge of English (optional) and IT literacy.

In order for students to enroll in the program, they must submit a file with the following supporting documents:

• University application
• Photocopy of identity card
• Certified copy of degree and transcript
• English language certification, if applicable
• Curriculum vitae
• (2) Letters of Recommendation
• Personal Statement

The file is evaluated by the Academic Coordinator of the Program and the supporting documents are sent to the university. When the registration is completed, their student card is sent to the registered students.

• Access to an electronic library.
• Access to international electronic libraries.

Academic and technical support
• Support from a personal advisor throughout the studies.
• Ability to participate in professional seminars.
• Access to the online training platform.
• E-mail account.
• Technical support of students by qualified personnel by phone or e-mail.
• Opportunity to participate in the research center.
• Ability to participate in conferences and publications in international scientific journals.

Social participation
• Ability to participate in excursions.
• Ability to participate in artistic events.
• Ability to participate in social contribution events.

Online resources
• Possibility of free acquisition of Microsoft electronic software through the Microsoft Dreams park service. (Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows, etc.).
• Free internet access in our premises.
• Free Wi-Fi in our premises.
• Free access to the SPSS program for statistical analysis.

Interest Form

In order to get information about the program, please contact us with Live Chat located at the bottom of the page or Calling us at.: (+30) 210 3243222 or Submitting the form below



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