Welcome to City Unity College New Online Seminar
Mooring operations are one of the most dangerous tasks onboard ships. The hazards are genuine regardless of the seamen’s experience.
Even though there are various innovations across the shipping industry, to reduce the hazards during mooring, still the majority of people onboard rely on mooring equipment and processes. This webinar will analyze risks and check in brief vetting inspection requirements.
You can watch the discussion live via:
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/CityUCollege
Start Time: 17:00
Capt. Evangelos Sioulas MSc AFNI
Capt. Evangelos Sioulas, MSc (Course Instructor), has bulk carrier seagoing experience approx. 10 years and relevant office experience as DPA / HSQE superintendent, marine HR manager & superintendent the last decade. Furthermore, since 2015, has been involved with marine / maritime training in nautical academies & marine training centers as module leader, trainer & assessor. He is an MSc graduate of Strathclyde – Glasgow University, U.K, in Technical Management of Ship Operations.
Associate Fellow of Nautical Institute
Associate member of Royal Institute of Naval Architects (R.I.N.A)
Participation in writing of Book “Guide of BC operations” by N.I & Intercargo, 2020
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