CUC Business Department: A “Team Debate Event” in Project Management
A very interesting and contemporary TEAM DEBATE EVENT took place on Saturday 12/1/2019 at CityU premises for the needs of the module MPM 7001 ‘Project Management Theory and Practice’. For this mandatory teamwork Debate, students had to form their own teams. Each team involved two sides: one affirming or supporting the motion and one opposing it. For the motion (moot) to be debated the following topics had been selected:
- “A good project manager can manage projects of any size and in any context”
- “Unless project managers become educated managers, their success is based on chance”.
Students had to structure their arguments around the Project Management Institute (PMI) fundamentals and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the key PROJECT MANAGEMENT issues raised by the topic. An open invitation was sent to the other – different emphasis – MBA classes, so as the audience from an interdisciplinary context to comment, ask and challenge the presenters, while at the same time gaining knowledge and improving their debate and negotiation skills mutually. Students presented high-quality work using Debate standards in coordination with PMI methods, while they had the chance to share ideas with the other colleagues coming from different MBA classes. At City Unity College we promote this interdepartmental collaboration since we strongly believe in the interdisciplinary and epistemology.