Recognition of City Unity College Degrees
Since 2010, City Unity College has been operating as an accredited by the Greek Ministry of Education Center of Post Secondary Education according to the ministerial decision of June 27 2010 (licence number 92790/IA).
Basic Q & A in regards to the recognition in Greece:
According to the Law 3696/2008 of the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs and the amendments to the provisions of the Law 3848/2010, certain colleges received the License of Operation. Colleges operate under the specific rules, supervision and control of the Ministry of Education.
Upon the receipt of the diploma and the official transcripts, a graduate should be registered in the association, union or body of the country of the university where he/ she acquired the degree or another EU country.
A request is made to the Department for the Recognition of Qualifications YP.E. P.T. (EU Directorate), which is responsible for receiving and processing applications. Afterwards, the Council for the Recognition of Professional Equivalence of Higher Education (SAEI – SAEITTE) has the decisive authority of recognizing the right to work in Greece under the provisions of Presidential Decree 165/2000.
An applicant, who is subject to the provisions of PD 165/2000, must have ALL educational qualifications of an institution of higher education of at least 3- year duration and a Professional License in order to pursue a specific profession in the EU Member State.
DOATAP is neither an institution for the recognition of professional rights nor an opinion-giving body regarding foreign university diplomas, which attest vocational education under the provisions of Directive 89/48/EE or PD 165/2000.
The Memorandum of the European Union, which refers to professional qualifications does not involve under any conditions the terms and conditions of the Law 3328/2005 but only the academic recognition of equivalence and correspondence of the degree of foreign higher education institutions, which alone is DOATAP the authorized body.
The PD 165/2000 does not apply to all professions, but only to those that are legally regulated in Greece. There are exceptions in some professions covered by Special Directive (doctors, pharmacists, dentists, veterinarians, nurses, midwives, architects, lawyers), which are the responsibility of the associations or the chamber.
If the profession of the applicant is not regulated in the Member State, the applicant must show that he worked for at least 2 years in the last ten years.
In case the profession is not legally regulated in the country whereas the education is considered to be regulated, a certificate issued by the competent authority of that Member State is needed saying that this education is regulated in accordance with the Directive 2001/19 / EC and that leads to the specific profession.
Upon the reception of the recognition by the Council (SAEITE), holders of degrees of European universities can take part in the ASEP examinations according to the PD 44 from 2005.
* (Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs, ΣΑΕΙ-ΣΑΕΙΤΤΕ)
If the profession of the applicant is not regulated in the Member State, the applicant must show that he worked for at least 2 years in the last ten years.
In case the profession is not legally regulated in the country whereas the education is considered to be regulated, a certificate issued by the competent authority of that Member State is needed saying that this education is regulated in accordance with the Directive 2001/19 / EC and that leads to the specific profession.