City Unity College offers free Career Center services

The program is open to students and graduates of City Unity College. It is also open to their parents, if they wish to participate in the program after they contact the coordinator of the program.

The coordinator of the program is Mr Kostas Stamkos, who has beenfor many years an article writer at job portal , with over 120 career articles and has organised hundreds of inrerviews.

You can search and apply for your job or internship with famous associations and companies, who collaborate with us. Have a short visit in the Site Job Career.



To its students and graduates including

  • Group Career Seminars

    CV Writing, creation of cover letter, provision of electronic and printed samples, references to main mistakes of an indifferent CV, methods for job seeking,questions and answers for the first and next interviews, career counseling, work environment and opportunities per case.

  • Individual meetings

    creation and update of CV and cover letter

  • Professional principles test
    on line, Greek, in cooperation with Greek psychologists and counselors

  • Promotion of CVs to targeted enterprises

  • Participation in career days of City Unity College

    interview appointments with targeted enterprises