Coventry University

Coventry University is a global, modern university

We were founded by entrepreneurs and industrialists in 1843 as the Coventry School of Design and we continue to have strong links with the public and private sector, providing job-ready graduates with the skills and creative thinking to improve their communities.

  • No.1 Modern University in the Midlands

    Guardian University Guide 2021

  • 1st for Overseas Student Experiences

    based on Student trips abroad from HESA 2018/19 UK data

  • Top 30 in the World for International Students
    QS Star University Rankings
  • University of the Year for Student Experience 2019

    Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2022

With a proud tradition of innovative teaching and learning, Coventry University has world-class campus facilities, the UK’s first standalone 5G network and a digital community of learning. Our students are part of a global network that has 50,000 learners studying Coventry University degrees in more than 40 different countries and partnerships with 150 higher education providers worldwide.

We have greatly increased our research capacity and ability with a focus on impactful research, delivered for and with partners, to address real-world challenges and support business and communities to develop and grow.

Over two centuries, we have flourished in Coventry and Coventry University Group now also delivers access to our range of high-quality services and partnerships through bases in London, Scarborough, Belgium, Poland, Egypt, Dubai, Singapore and Africa.

In recent years, we have won many awards and vastly improved our rankings in the league tables that matter to students – but what matters to us is delivering transformational change for our students, partners and communities around the world.