Students Testimonials
What Students says for City Unity College and Departments
Anastasia Stamogianni

I graduated with a BSc in Computing from Cardiff Metropolitan University which I attended through City Unity College. It was a great opportunity for me for three basic reasons. First of all, the curriculum was knowledge-rich and provided me with essential skills for a successful career in the Information Technology field. Secondly, its renowned professors, all with impressive backgrounds, were more than able to transfer their knowledge and support me, with some of them still being there for me today, offering me advice and guidance. Last but not least, the excellent infrastructure of the college, supplied with the latest equipment, improves the teaching experience by far. Moreover, outside the academic environment, employers were noticing my studies, which resulted in many open doors for me, leading to a career as a business process consultant. In the end, I will always be grateful to City Unity College for giving me the opportunity to have a dream career and a bright future.
Vasileios Panagiotis Gatopoulos

Μy name is Vasileios Panagiotis Gatopoulos and this year I completed my bachelor studies in Hospitality and Tourism Management at the City Unity College at Vouliagmeni Campus. It was an unforgettable educational experience because I gained great theoretical as well as practical knowledge concerning hospitality and tourism. Moreover, each academic year contains very important courses, self-development and career improvement among others. Furthermore, I conducted two optional internships at the end of each academic year. My first internship experience was at Tui Sensimar Caravel Resort in Zante for five months were I worked as a wait staff, which was an ideal first job experience. At the end of my second academic year, I worked as an intern at Moxy Patra Marina Hotel in Patras as a wait staff for another six months. My educational background in the City Unity College was extremely helpful during my internships. In addition, I plan to attend the Master’s degree’s courses of City Unity College during the upcoming academic year in order to acquire more in-depth knowledge about the Hospitality industry. BA Hospitality.
Nata Rekhviashvili

My name is Nata Rekhviashvili and I studied in City Unity College from 2016 to 2019. I was enrolled in BA Business & Management Program with Human Resources Management pathway. The classes gave us opportunity to develop ourselves in connection with our career. We had professional lecturers who were always ready to support us and help us to manage and get through the assignments and build new knowledge. The lectures were interactive, we were freely expressing our opinions about different issues. I think that these lectures helped us not only in our professional but also in our personal development. We discovered our personal skills and capabilities in a productive way. I think that the quality of classes was really high and beneficial for our careers. BA Business & Management.
Sofia Zoupa

Although it has been almost a decade since I graduated from City Unity College, I cannot help but admit that the MBA program I followed was of a great value. Being taught by successful professors, professionals in their field, in a highly competitive environment not only broadened my horizons, but also expanded my professional network which to this day remains valuable.
Sophia Karakovouni

My overall experience in City Unity College where I enrolled in MBA Program Human Resources Management pathway in 2019 was amazing. The best part is to get to know people from different places and learn about different cultures. This program allows me to understand all Human Resources strategies and practical applications in a flexible environment. It is 100% achievable to finish your Master’s Degree in Human Resources and work full time while doing so. City Unity College itself cared about my success! MBA Human Resources Management HR Officer.
Vicky Laourdeki

My studies in City Unity College gave me an advantage in the operation I am responsible for. The courses were engaging and thought provoking, developing critical thinking, and the professors were encouraging and helpful. The measure of success is efficiency, and both syllabus and faculty helped me achieve my goals and develop myself, helping me excel in a competitive environment. MBA
Ioanna Ozouni

City Unity College may be a relatively new entry in the academic world of Greece, but in my opinion it has bright future prospects. It offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate programs. As a Bachelor student I studied Business Administration and Finance because I was interested in leading an organization. I continued my studies in Master of Law International Business Program (LLM) with specialization in Arbitration, which is what I wanted. City Unity College did a great job of supporting my area of study offering a number of classes at the crossroads of Business, Finance, and Law, as well as employing professors who shared their unique knowledge and experience with the students. City Unity College was always very accommodating and understanding of my interests and the way I wanted to structure my time while in college. At a time when I was a little bit confused about what sector I liked most; my professors helped me understand what path I would like to follow. It was such a great experience! LLM International Business.
Yida Guo

To be honest, I am honored to be a graduate of City Unity College. I was a boy who lacked confidence and experience when I entered City Unity College for my first class with my poor English. During the three-year Bachelor Program, with my professors’ and classmates’ help and encouragement, I have not only gained a lot of useful knowledge, but also learned how to think as a REAL professional. City Unity is not only a college that provided me a great academic program, but also a platform that gives me so many good relationships and teaches me a lot for my life and career. BA Business & Management.
Παολα-Ανδρεα Μυταρα

I have completed my BA degree in the field of psychology offered by the psychology department at City Unity College in cooperation with Cardiff Metropolitan University. This program has been a remarkable learning experience for me. During this program, I did not only grow as a professional but as a person as well. I gained a solid basis for a career in the challenging world of psychology, but, most importantly, I gained knowledge and skills through the professor’s who provide us with the necessary tools in order to be able to critically evaluate such knowledge. The educational level I received has been invaluable to me, and City Unity has made that possible. BA Psychology.
Maria Angelidou

As a strong believer in life-long learning, and after considerable thought, I decided to proceed with a Master of Business Administration at Cardiff Metropolitan University delivered by City Unity College, Greece, last year. Due to the many professional and personal demands on my time, I opted to attend the course on a part-time basis. My first year has gone smoothly, thanks to the efficiency and professionalism of the academics and other college staff. The professors are highly experienced and treat you as a colleague from the first day. They have always been diligent, attentive and ready to assist whenever a question arises, providing proper clarifications. Interesting discussions and interactive lessons made the courses even more fruitful. City Unity’s multicultural society and friendly, experienced professors added value to my learning experience and made studying interesting and fun. As an experience, it has developed my problem-solving skills, while inspiring my creativity. I have great respect and gratitude for all involved in the programme. Master of Business Administration.
Ελενη Σιδερη

Ονομάζομαι Ελένη Σιδερή είμαι απόφοιτη του City Unity College (CUC). Στο CUC μου δώθηκε η ευκαιρία να σπουδάσω την επιστήμη που πάντα ήθελα. Συγκεκριμένα, αποφοίτησα από το τμήμα Ψυχολογίας όπου οι καθηγητές με βοήθησαν να μάθω ποια είναι η επιστήμη της ψυχολογίας, διδάσκοντας με όλους του κλάδους της. Συνεχίζοντας στο Master Health Psychology μου δώθηκε η εξειδικευμένη γνώση που χρειαζόμουν για να εργαστώ ως Ψυχολόγος. Σήμερα έχω στήσει το δικό μου γραφείο αφού μου έχει εκδοθεί η Αδεια Ασκήσεως Επαγγέλματος, επίσης είμαι συνεργάτιδα πανεπιστημιακών ιδρυμάτων για την διεκπεραίωση ερευνητικών προτοκόλλων. Ελπίζω να συνεχιστεί η συνεργασία μου με το CUC, αφού συντέλεσε σε ένα σημαντικό κομμάτι της ζωής μου. ΒΑ PSYCHOLOGY – MSc HEALTH.
Christos Barberis

MBA Program I followed at City Unity College further developed my critical-thinking skills, provided additional competency needed to leverage and calibrate already gained experience, and added weight to my resume, as necessary in today’s competitive marketplace. The high quality and commitment of the instructors with scholastic and real-world experience together with the comprehensive curriculum across all aspects of the studies, were the two major ingredients of my studies I appreciated the most.
Criziel Capuz

City Unity College in Athens opened their door for me to pursue one of my goals that once I thought I will never achieve. Their encouragement and support was unbelievable, they have been successful on guiding me to see an accurate picture of my intension finishing my studies. The quality of the programs and classes are extremely useful for the field of my choice and my personal development.
Alexandros Sklepas

I remember entering City Unity College offices after my first contact with the college via social media. What made me an impression were not just the offices but the combination of the curriculum along with the value of the persons I met that day and welcomed me to the college. Their smile and confidence of the quality of the programs along with the proven history of City Unity College is what made me sure this was the right place for me. Indeed, what I learned strengthened my decision making skills and changed the way I think – critically. It is truly amazing getting yourself into a position where you have to struggle for your future while having by your side City Unity College assisting you and ultimately leading you to a successful career. I am currently working at my own company and you can find me online at I am really grateful, BS Systems Development & Management Web Developer – SEO Expert Webpoint
Valentina Kordi

MBA Program with emphasis in HRM at City Unity College gave me a good foundation to build strong knowledge in the field of Human Resources Management, which I was able to implement in practice during my studying period while working as Business Administration Manager in a multinational company. After I decided to take my own path and run my Executive & Business Coaching company, I have been using the knowledge I gained to build effective tools for the people in organizations I coach. I would definitely recommend City Unity College for the quality of studies they provide, but also for the support given to students by the exceptional professors and the rest of the staff.
Marios Malamidis

The experience of completing the MBA Program at City Unity College was a highlight in my educational path. The factor that made it valuable was that during its courses, the student had the possibility to understand thoroughly the nature of every business field, not only in technical terms but also regarding the person’s involvement in the process. I was lucky enough to find interesting people attending the courses and this led to the creation of a strong team that pushed everyone reach their learning potential. I would recommend City Unity College to all working individuals that mind for both knowledge and networking.
Dimitris Machmouridis

When I look back at my two years in City Unity College where I did my MBA Program, I conclude that knowledge is obtained not only by reading books and notes but also through effective and up-to-date academic contribution of selected professional professors. By the end of my MBA Program when I started applying the knowledge gained to my career, I managed to understand in-depth many aspects on how business works today. While working in an alternating digital environment, I learned to adapt and compare my daily projects with the case studies that I worked on while studying in City Unity College. In addition, I was able to enhance my presentation and communication skills via dozens of in-class assignments. Overall, I feel proud of my choice by studying in City Unity College and I will definitely recommend it to anyone who wishes to make a step forward with his/her career.
Angeliki Arvanitidou

City Unity College inspired me to develop my skills offering me the chance to attend the course I always hoped for. The BSc (hons) Psychology of Cardiff Metropolitan University, one of the best British Universities, exceeded my expectations, in terms of educational process, responsibility and perspective. Motivating me to apply theory in actual academic research and practice, City Unity College Lecturers willingly supported and directed me to enhance my potential. I will always be grateful for graduating in first class from such an exceptional college and for creating strong relationships, my safety base to count on for the future actualization of my academic and professional plans. Wouldn’t be more lucky to have experienced this course. It is of paramount importance to thank City Unity College administration and personnel for respecting and supporting my studies with full-scholarship and turning this choice into an amazing lifetime experience!
Irene Kompocholi

I did my MBA with a pathway in Human Resources during the period 2016-2017. During the academic year I was fortunate to meet, with minor exceptions, professors who challenged me mentally and academically. The classes contained a variety of people whose experiences fed each course and made them as interactive as possible. We had a well structured guidance from the beginning of the year through notes and extra materials provided to us by the professors, easing us in the dissertation process. Professionally, I firmly believe that I benefited because once I finished it I found a job as a secretary in a law firm but also gradually it led me to Luxembourg working for a big service provider in the Funds industry as a legal fund administrator handling big structures of funds.
Xanthi Drouviotou

Life is the essence of life. When deciding about the MBA program offered at City Unity College, the overall friendliness and professionalism of faculty were the features that attracted me to the program. It is that responsible and responsive faculty which provides students with the tools they need to succeed. During the program, I managed to improve my analytical thinking as well as my problem solving skills. I finally boosted my skills and was very lucky to achieve an enlightened life. Our dedicated professors made me feel that I have selected the exact and the best place for my Master’s Degree. MBA Human Resources Management.
Katerina Karakatsani

City Unity College has been a great contributor to my professional and personal development. I have developed my project management, strategic management, and operations management skills and have also been able to advance these skills to my work environment. The quality of the program and classes of City Unity College during my MBA studies was of high level and adequately adjusted to my professional needs. MBA Project Management Airport Safety Manager.
Mariam Gegeshidze

Every teacher is capable of teaching, but very few are able to inspire. Thank you, City Unity College for having given me the opportunity to meet and study under the guidance of such professors. I truly believe that only when learning with passion knowledge can become power. MBA Marketing
Marileia Eleftheriadi

Over the course of the four years I have spent with City Unity College I had the luck of meeting teachers that with their knowledge and background provided me true insight of the job I decided to do. Being a manager today I still use that knowledge. I can safely say that with a Bachelor’s in hand and ten years of credentials, I would still love to learn from their lectures! BA Business & Management Store Manager.
Marina Boufi
After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, it seemed important for me to complete a Master’s Degree in Project Management. At City Unity College, I benefitted greatly from the knowledge received from our professors who have extensive professional and academic experience, as well as from the practical case studies. I cannot express enough my gratitude to my professors that I received enormous help from. They were extremely passionate and helpful. I was able to learn more about my academic and career path through interacting with them. City Unity College has not only helped me succeed academically, but it was also a stepping stone for me to grow as a well-rounded individual, gaining traits that will help me succeed throughout the rest of my life. MBA Project Management.
Mike Kallergis

City Unity College has been a great contributor to the development of my academic, professional, and interpersonal skills. The combination of the quality of the program and the instructors, who were not just there to deliver classes but also to mentor and guide, really produced an excellent result. College support and personnel facilitated all our requests and made sure that everything was in place. Overall a great experience. MBA Human Resource Management Career Relations Manager & Telecom Regulatory Affairs Specialist.
Munia-talnoufos Elshkri

City Unity College has been a great contributor to the development of my knowledge, personality, and professional skills. I have completed a BS International Management and a Master of Law LLM International Business. These programs have played an important role in establishing my critical thinking, leadership, time management, communication, and teamwork skills. The professors have been supportive and always ready to help to improve students’ experience. City Unity College is a multicultural place that suits everyone. LLM International Business.
Nasos Laourdekis

Management is an important part of my daily work, and my studies in City Unity College helped me reach a superior level of organization, efficiency, and productivity. The syllabus and the courses were on point to my effective managerial development and helped me create a mentality of critical thinking, openness, and tempered reasonable but efficient expectations from my subordinates and overall workforce.
Stefanos Balabos

I did my BS in Computer Sciences degree at City Unity College primarily because I was looking for quality education where classes are taught by business professionals and that could help me understand what would be truly applicable later in the working world. Once I finished my BS in Computer Science Program, I didn’t hesitate for a moment in also completing my MBA at City Unity College. That Master’s Degree opened for me the doors to IT Industry where I embarked on a career in a major Greek IT organization.
Sandra Preye Nelson-Charpidou

My name is Sandra Preye Nelson-Charpidou, I am a Nigerian, married to a Greek. I decided to embark on a career in hospitality and tourism management and searched for the best institute in Greece offering a high-quality education in this field in the English language. I fell upon Swiss Alpine Center and learned of their partnership with City Unity College whereby students enrolled on the Swiss Alpine Diploma in Hotel Management had the possibility to graduate with dual qualifications: The Swiss, and the British since Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK validated Alpine Center’s courses and offered the BA(Hons) International Hospitality & Tourism Management. My learning experience was superb. The faculty are very caring and qualified, and so is the administrative staff. Our lecturers were friendly and inspiring and brought the best out of each student. They encouraged us to think critically and to be innovative. The location of the college is also very pristine and beautiful in the coastal suburb of Athens, Vouliagmeni. It is unique in that it has an operating hotel as part of the campus and that’s where we were able to follow the Swiss way of education, blending practicals with theory. What I enjoyed being a student of City Unity College is the diverse background of students coming from all corners of the world, and this by itself was an interesting cultural diversity experience which is so needed in the hospitality industry. I feel privileged and honoured to be a graduate of both Swiss Alpine Center and Cardiff Metropolitan University. During the Annual Career Days, organized by the dynamic Career & Placement Office, I had the opportunity to interview with leading hotels in Greece and was offered a few opportunities. Now that I am a happy graduate of City Unity College, I feel well equipped with an excellent combination of skills in hotel operations, sales and marketing, human resources, finance and accounting and business planning and entrepreneurship. I can handle multiple responsibilities and successfully meet deadlines. God bless all my lecturers at Swiss Alpine Center/City Unity College.
Varna Slaiwa

My experience as MBA student at City Unity College in Athens expanded my knowledge and self-development. The programs offered at City Unity College are of high standard and real world oriented. The professors are motivated and inspiring the students through teaching classes such as Organizational Behavior, Finance, and Project Management. On the other hand, City Unity College challenged me to think critically and provided me with skills to work with a number of different cultures, lifestyle, beliefs, and backgrounds. My study experience aboard in Greece developed my understanding of Business and Managements fields and how universities operate. These experiences provided me with an opportunity to enhance my understanding of higher education and how to apply theory to practice.
Όλγα Θανασά

Το city unity college είναι εξαιρετικό όχι μόνο από άποψη υποδομών αλλά και λόγω καταρτισμένου εκπαιδευτικού προσωπικού. Παρά τις δυσκολίες προσαρμογής που αντιμετώπισα στην αρχή οι καθηγητές έδειξαν το πόσο θετικοί και πρόθυμοι είναι από την πρώτη στιγμή καθώς βρίσκονταν εκεί για να βοηθήσουν λύνοντας τις απορίες μου και προσφέροντάς μου γνώση. Τα μαθήματα είναι εξαιρετικά όπως επίσης το πρόγραμμα των μαθημάτων.
Sandrine Maffre

Looking back at my MBA experience I believe it was one of the greatest periods of my life, full of fruitful communication and sharing experience with my professors and my group mates. The specific MBA (MBA in Project Management) is an undoubtably break-through program that combined theory with practice through case studies, in a well-balanced way, thus gaining skills and new knowledge on the most up-to-date management topics. The program equips you with a multi-dimensional business understanding necessary for every highly professional and competitive manager. My brilliant professors and group mates made this adventure astonishing through extensive collaboration and experience exchange both professionally and personally.
Ilias Selimis

The MBA Program at City Unity College was not just a typically educational one, as I initially believed it to be, but has proven to be a solid cultural keystone in my personal (mostly) and professional (secondly) development so far. It provided me with a crucial body of business knowledge that, in turn, raised inside of me a vivid tendency of a humanitarian quest which until now helped me cope with a global comprehension of ‘how things work’. Honestly, my studies in City Unity College armed me with a priceless gain that may be summarized in these three words: doubting, thinking, searching.
Panayotis Stathis
In 2013 I graduated from Aegina High School with the dream of starting my own business in the Food Service sector. My decision then was to study Business Administration with the purpose of gaining all the necessary knowledge and skills that would help me achieve my dream. After a long research, my family and I concluded that the BA Business & Management Program offered at City Unity College was the best option for my studies. Seven years later I can definitely tell that our decision proved to be right. Starting with the quality of the program, I was very much satisfied with all courses and the studying materials that were always interesting, updated, and relevant. Classes were following the schedule and there was extra time for further discussions. My professors were excellent professionals with a good knowledge about the operation of businesses in the real world. In addition, they taught me the importance of values, morality, and ethos. All that, and many more, have helped me develop myself as a professional but also as a person. Today I have the business mindset that helps me in every decision I take in my professional life. In addition, I can communicate with other professionals in a very effective way. Furthermore, I have the skills to research for valuable information and distinguish identify what is fake. Last but not least, due to the knowledge and skills that I gained throughout my studies in City Unity College I am more confident in myself, my goals, and the right path to follow in order to achieve them.
Nickos Limnopoulos

I graduated at City Unity College in 2013. My Master’s Degree is Master in Business Administration with emphasis Sustainable Business. Back in 2011 I was looking to upgrade my educational background with a Master’s Degree. After some research, City Unity College became my first choice. The level of studies is one of the highest in Greece. The College’s facilities are new and high tech oriented! The professors are very experienced with a great will to give knowledge. If I would have to turn back and make that choice again, my choice would be the same. The degree I earned at City Unity College has proven to be a great asset for my career so far.
Nektarios Chionis

In October 2018, I completed my MBA Program, Project Management pathway, while working for a large multinational company. In City Unity College, I studied in high quality facilities learning from the expertise and under the guidance of highly qualified professors. Yet another important factor is that City Unity College strictly follows the standards, rules, and regulations of its partner institution Cardiff Metropolitan University. During the studies, apart from the knowledge one could acquire, the interaction with professors as well as with fellow students working in different fields makes you think out of the box and see things from different perspectives which results in improved professionalism. After successfully completing my MBA, I felt much better prepared and qualified and in a short period of time I was able to move on to a new job in a major multinational organization.
Lili Dididze

To achieve your career goal, you must set your goal, follow it, and get the result that you need to be successful – in your life that is the most important! I achieved my career goal and graduated at City Unity College where I followed Bachelor in Business and Management Program with Finance emphasis of Cardiff Metropolitan University. I can say that I am lucky to have been part of it. This has honestly been the best experience of my life so far. It was lovely to be surrounded by people from so many different countries, so many different cultures and ethnicities. That was where I always wanted to be. Professors were very helpful and inspiring. They really cared about how well we were progressing in our course and how to help us get the best result. I want to say many thanks to my professors for their efforts, care, and love that they gave to me.
Yannis Nikolakopoulos

What a great experience, well worth it and extremely recommended! I had the opportunity to meet professors with real-life management experience providing a new viewpoint on how businesses are managed. The interaction between fellow students and professors was productive. If you are looking for diversity, versatility, and a deep understanding of the changes in the business environment, join this MBA program. Be ready to discover new roads!
Theodora Vatzali

The quality of MBA Program is very high. Classes are small and that allows professors to work individually with each student. I gained a lot of benefits for my professional and personal development from the program, such as better self management and improved problem solving skills.
Panayotis Kotsadam

I have earned both my Bachelor’s Degree (in Networking) and Master’s Degree (MBA in Information System) at City Unity College. I feel like all the time spent there was well invested. I was able to immediately apply all the knowledge gained to my profession (I was employed during my years of studies). This was also feasible because all of my professors were professionals already working for many years in their field. For this, I am utmost grateful to City Unity College, for selecting them, and to each one of them personally. To this day, I make use of everything I learned there over the years, both businesswise and technically.
Leonidas Skerletopoulos

City Unity College was a great choice and totally worth it! I was initially attracted by the program title: BS Communications and Social Media. The program while exploring in depth the evolution of communication as a science, delivered great hands-on experience offering practical tools and insights. The academic staff was great, most of them had significant market experience and were willing to share cases and insights from the real world. All professors were very supportive dealing with course related concerns of students and easily accessible. I was also impressed Student Support services during and especially after graduation, they were very supportive, trying to understand and practically help. You do not need to worry about the process of validating through SAEP, as there is a department established to offer support. If you search for a college, I suggest to consider City Unity College.
Klaudio Pahija

When I first applied for a job position in Intesa Sanpaolo Bank, one of the top banks in Europe, my degree earned at City Unity College made the difference from other applicants and now I am in a senior position in the Corporate & SME Division of this bank. The years in City Unity College were a lifetime experience starting with the high level professors, continuing with the facilities in the heart of Athens and concluding with the high value degree. I will always remember those years and wish one day to come back!
Franca Nwanneka

I proudly write this testimonial in honour of City Unity College Athens – Greece. I had the opportunity of undertaking two courses respectively in this highly reputable Institution and presently undergoing a third one; placing me on vantage position to write on the school. I started with a Post Graduate Diploma Course in Strategic Planning and Crisis Management, proceeded to M.BA (Human Resource Management) and currently enrolled for a PhD. In Crisis Management. It is worthy of note that in some other institutions of learning, the time frame for a Master’s Degree is said to be two years but in reality it takes up to five years to complete. It might interest you to know that each semester has an accumulation of ten courses or more with attendant assignments and written examinations in these schools. Why did I make reference to this? The course duration for a Master’s Degree in C.U.C. is two years, and a serious student is bound to complete the course within the specified time frame, especially with the kind of cooperation, guidance and assistance given by staff. The courses are minimal, relevant, precise and of high standard. I didn’t have to write exams for all the subjects, because examination has never been the true test of knowledge. In C.U.C, the quality of the programme mattered more and the classroom environment was quite commendable. The staff, both academic and non-academic were not only accessible but happily helpful to the students. Classes were scheduled to fit into our busy time table. I did not only get instructions when I needed them, I was also encouraged to work at my pace. The programmes I did are not only beneficial for my personal growth, but my professional development as well. Having attained a top management level in my career, my academic experience and achievements at C.U.C have added greatly to my wealth of knowledge. On this premise I do not regret the sacrifices I made because it widened my horizon and I confidentially will recommend anyone who wishes to take up a course in this prestigious institution.
Gerassimos Patrikios

Regarding my studies at City Unity College, I strongly believe that it has provided me a solid guidance how to organize my studies from the beginning until I have completed both my degrees. The diversity among the students in every class, the group assignments have significantly provided me the basis in critical thinking and have widened my personal view on every course. Along with the guidance from all the professional personnel and the counseling from the professors, it has empowered me to build a strong educational background and prepared me for my future position in the professional world. By covering both the Technical and the Business & Management part in the IT area, this has enabled me to be able to apply to many various positions, both technical and business oriented.
Filippos Efstratiadis

City Unity College taught me a lot. How an economy works, foundational principles of management and finance, but most of all it helped me understand what I want from myself to achieve, and how modern societies work today. Now, three years later, I live in Belgium and I am applying all of those principles in practice as a Business Analyst for one the biggest IT leaders in the world.
Dimitris Fraggos

MBA in Finance Program I followed at City Unity College is an excellent choice as you meet and connect with professionals of the industry that are willing to share their professional experience and expertise along with teaching the theory. Most professors insist on creating and developing critical thinking that will help their students manage successfully any possible situation and innovate effectively in their field having built the right fundament. An excellent choice for all.
Dimitris Alexopoulos

A unique experience that totally changed my point of view about the meaning of education and broadened my business horizon. I have done the MBA Program with Project Management pathway. There are not enough words to describe the quality of the classes and how warm, experienced, and helpful are the people that work there. City Unity College gave me the opportunity to see the business world from different perspectives and through this I have developed a great network of friends and future colleagues. Finally, it gave me the opportunity to collaborate with very interesting people from various cultures and disciplines. A fact that boosted my career to a great extent.
Constantine Asproulis

I completed my BS Business and Project Management Program at City Unity College in 2010. The program provided me with valuable skills and tools that I use throughout my career in many sectors, including Telecommunications, Aerospace Technologies, and Circular Economy. It offered me the opportunity to learn from experienced professional instructors and real-world cases. I have built long-standing relationships with my former professors who I consider my mentors. I am extremely proud and grateful for my studies at City Unity College. It offers a full-fledged curriculum designed to match every student’s requirements and set them up for success in their career.
Andreas Chalikiopoulos

My academic studies at City Unity College can be described as a wonderful experience. I chose to follow MSc Digital Marketing Management Program of Cardiff Metropolitan University. The college facilities are excellent and the staff is well organized. The professors were always by my side and always willing to help me even after I finished my classes and completed my dissertation. After my studies, I was offered a job in a pharmaceutical company: Social Media Account Manager. I consider City Unity College my academic home because even now my professors are always happy to help me. I would recommend City Unity College academic programs to anyone willing to enhance their academic horizons.
Aggeliki Kalogirou

Το πρόγραμμα σπουδών του City Unity College υπήρξε για εμένα αποκαλυπτικό! Με μύησε στη μαγεία της επιστήμης της Ψυχολογίας με συνέπεια, ενθάρρυνση, συμπαράσταση και συστηματική καθοδήγηση εκ μέρους των καθηγητών μου . Και το πιο σημαντικό για εμένα: διδάχθηκα το “know how?”: Πώς να εκπαιδεύομαι και να μαθαίνω! Πώς να ψάχνω δηλαδή και να βρίσκω μόνη μου νέες πληροφορίες που σχετίζονται με τη δουλειά μου. Σήμερα ζω και εργάζομαι στη Λαμία ως αναγνωρισμένη Ψυχολόγος Υγείας (Άδεια ασκήσεως επαγγέλματος από τη Γενική Διεύθυνση Δημόσιας Υγείας και Κοινωνικής Μέριμνας), διατηρώντας το ιδιωτικό μου γραφείο. Παράλληλα, συνεχίζω την εκπαίδευσή μου ως Υπαρξιακή Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια. Ψυχολόγος BSc, MSc in Health Psychology
Panagiotis – Efraim Papoulias

The three-year bachelor’s degree in International Hospitality and Tourism Management was a great experience for me. I had the opportunity to meet instructors who provided me valuable knowledge and helped us to start our career in hospitality industry. I have been taught in: Marketing, Corporate finance, Supply chain management, Human resources, and organizational behavior. Also, I skilled myself in Opera, MS Office and in Food and Beverage management. The affiliation of City Unity College with Cardiff Metropolitan and Swiss Alpine Center is the strength of this college. I got multiple experiences, I worked in luxury brands in Hospitality: Kempinski, Hilton and Four Seasons and I got two degrees one from Swiss Alpine Center and from Cardiff Metropolitan University. In Greece is the best choice in Hospitality and Tourism studies.